S.M. Madhan Raj
An user cenetered designer with concerns for user problems.
Hotel Booking App for B2B
To design a hotel room booking application for B2B organisation, where its Employee policy, Approval management system has to be done in a single place.
Competitor Analysis - Possibilities
Other hotel associations in India have alleged that Go-MMT charges exorbitant commissions, has unfair accounting practices and offers unauthorised and further discounting of prices set by hoteliers. The Hotel & Restaurant Association of Gujarat had first raised the issue against Go-MMT. According to Lamta, the SHRA had written to the aggregator about the concerns raised by local hotels.
“The association had raised specific concerns to be addressed and resolved… including abolishing coupon code discounting on hotels… standardising commission at 15% and removing the clause of performance-linked bonuses without the written consent of hotels, among others. But we haven’t received any reply or response from Go-MMT and so we have decided to take this step,” Lamta said.
“The association had raised specific concerns to be addressed and resolved… including abolishing coupon code discounting on hotels… standardising commission at 15% and removing the clause of performance-linked bonuses without the written consent of hotels, among others. But we haven’t received any reply or response from Go-MMT and so we have decided to take this step,” Lamta said.
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With OYO
“Our new proposed organisation, HACI, has the support of 47 pan India associations which have about 8000 hoteliers as members. Oyo has become more stubborn and our concerns still exist. They are trying to contact individual hoteliers, which is not useful. Our Oyo-listed partners in Jaipur will not accept bookings from January 15, which will be followed by other cities like Mysore and Shirdi and later Mumbai,” said Ashraf Ali, joint convenor, HACI.
Read more at:
http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/67447132.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_ campaign=cppst.
Magow’s observation finds resonance in the report, which states that almost two-thirds of India’s rooms supply in 2020-21 will comprise of budget hotels. “Hotel bookings are bound to be the next growth driver for the OTAs, especially because the margins are higher. If you consider the $2.3 billion projection in gross booking value and take at least 15% as commission, the revenue opportunity is huge,” Abhishek Goyal, the founder of start-up tracker Tracxn, said over the phone.
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